Wednesday 14 May 2008

Bradford & Bingley - stewards' enquiry needed

Never mind what Steven Crawshaw said to the markets on 14th April regarding the likelihood of a rights issue, what he said on the morning of 22nd April, in the interim management statement was even more misleading. In this he comments on the capital base and funding in the same sentence but with no mention of the capital ratios being at risk.
"The first quarter of 2008 has seen excellent growth in our retail deposit base. Bradford & Bingley has a strong capital base and has funded its business activities through 2008 and into 2009. We have a focused strategy, and a business model that is adaptable to changing market conditions."
Given the deep discount of the rights issue - the new shares offered at 82p compared with the prior close of 158p - one wonders why an underwriter is needed, especially as management gives the impression that capital is not urgently needed.
The recent price movements of B&B relative to those of the other financial desperados - A&L and Barclays - suggest that a bit of window dressing ahead of this rights issue might have been underway. Have the underwriters been earning their fees? A steward's enquiry would be most welcome.

The table above takes the daily price movement (ln (Px/Px-1)). It uses using prices from Yahoo and so ends on Monday 12th. Bank A is Alliance & Leicester, B is Barclays, C is Bradford& Bingley and D is HBOS - which of course already has announced a rights issue.
And the bank with the most price rises over the fourteen days - well B&B of course.